The hint? It has nothing to do with Facials and Spas. There are some really good ways of making your life better and most vital to make your life fulfilling. If you don’t wish to be on your death bed cribbing about your life, then this blog is for you!

  1. Improve your mental diet: Diet is not about just eating. It is also what you read, watch, who you follow and who you spend your time with. For healthier mind, you need to start deleting the junk from your diet.
  2. You need to set clear boundaries and protect them: Standing up for yourself is the key. Your happiness depends on setting conditions to achieve overall congruency in your life. You should have clear definition of what is appropriate for you and what is not. And by the way, you will not lose real friends when you stand up for yourself. Yes, you may lose the mental health destroying leeches in your life.
  3. Focus on the future, learn from your past but don’t dwell in it: If something is not working for you, make the change. According to Einstein, “The definition of insanity is people continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. Also, where you have come from, doesn’t decide where you would want to go. Keep searching for happiness but not with the same toxic people or places.
  4. Self-Rejecting is the worst thing you can do to yourself: I’ve known people killing themselves because of self-rejection. People will come in your way all your life. They would express things about you which are not so kind, in front of you or behind your back. But those are their opinions and really ‘just opinions’. I’ve always felt that if we take the problem head-on, we end up winning all the time. So, are you afraid you will be rejected in the interview? Then apply for that job. Are you scared of the unknown? Move to that ‘country’ anyway. Are you scared of other people’s opinion? Then be yourself and know that you are unique.
  5. Learn to let people down: Your mental health is more important. Even more than your career, money, other people’s opinions, that event you said you’d attend, your partner’s mood and your family wishes, combined. If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, so be it.
  6. Make replacements: Real self-care requires replacements. Replace Netflix marathons with sleep. Replace fake influencers with inspiring creators. Replace toxic friends with mentors. Replace blame with responsibility. Replace complaining with gratitude. Replace overthinking with action.
  7. Upgrade your library: And this is not only about books. Your ‘library’ consists of people, passion, habits as well. People spend up to 9 hours a day on social media. I am not saying social media is not good. But too much of anything is bad. Follow more people that educate, inspire and motivate. Unfollow people that are negative, shallow and petty.

Personally, this has helped me and I am sure this would help many more. So share it. Let us promote self-care to others while we care for ourselves.

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I have done Emotional Intelligence, NLP and Art of Parenting course from Amarendra Chitale, Agile Neuro. The courses have benefitted me immensely in both my personal and professional life. Amarendra is a wonderful trainer, his style is unique and he is ready to help you solve your concerns post certification too. I recommend his courses to anyone who is looking for self development.

Melisha D'Costa

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  1. Shivanya Yogmayaa April 27, 2022 at 6:24 am - Reply

    So rightly said! If we stay mindful of our daily self care then our progress and happiness is not far.
    Love your thoughtful inputs keep inspiring;)

  2. koshikaa December 26, 2023 at 10:50 am - Reply

    Your blog’s emphasis on preventive clinical consideration is estimable. A point needs more consideration, and you’re working effectively!

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